The First of a 6 Blog Series on Job Search Success.
It is wise to invest time to plan for success in many things we do in life, but especially for medium and long-term objectives and goals. It takes time, thinking and effort to manage your career. The theme phrase about going outside your comfort zone is very apt. To achieve the job you desire, for whatever reason, you will find yourself pushing yourself harder and further than you have done before. From my years of experience in managing recruitment appointments for clients, I am aware of the effort across several areas that is required to make the dream job move.
This series of blogs will benefit all applicants who are actively seeking a new position, but particularly: (i) the candidate who is applying but not called for interview, and (ii) the candidate who is struggling at interview to sell themselves successfully. We will take you through the steps involved to assess job opportunities, create a successful CV and engage successfully with the interview process – all with the goal of landing the job that you want.
Recruitment is changing as hiring companies look for speed and increased efficiency in their process, and technology is to the forefront of this. But, it remains an engagement process where both sides are seeking a compatible fit for their needs.
In reality, the question and answer process commences ever before an applicant sits down for interview. Companies structure their hiring programmes to ask questions at all stages of the process. In the world of algorithms, your CV and, if asked, some straightforward questions asked as you apply via an online portal, are scanned to commence the process of identifying job suitability and organisational fit.
Many companies, particularly in the technology sector, are investing in and utilising cloud-based candidate management systems that include pre-set interview questions for a remote video interview which can be accessed by the hiring manager and their colleagues at their convenience. This leads to the need to learn new skills in a changing world. The added value of these new modes of interviewing is more efficient time management for hiring organisations. The off-line nature of this technology also allows you as a candidate to manage your time effectively.
Perhaps this sounds a little daunting, but there is a trade-off at play in that a reduction in personal contact does allow for greater objectivity, reduced bias and greater opportunity for underrepresented minorities in the workforce. It is also the new reality, and one that contributes to fairness and efficiency in selection decisions.
The ongoing see-sawing between a market being candidate-friendly or employer-friendly doesn’t alter the fact that it remains a question and answer process where you as the candidate will do the bulk of the answering Decision-making data is gathered directly or subliminally, such as how you interact with technology and with people. Key to your success will be how you sell yourself!
It is also important to understand that companies, especially those with a well-resourced talent management department, will have a philosophy of hiring for talent as well as the immediate job. Therefore the latter part of a selection process will in all likelihood focus on your potential for advancement. Your fit with the company’s culture and values will be your success in such circumstances.
This series of blogs will explore the recruitment process and give you the tools to be successful in managing your career as well as landing your desired job. At some point you will be confronted with the reality that everything you want is outside your comfort zone, but these blogs will balance that initial lack of comfort with the skills to adapt and expand your comfort zone, growing yourself and your career in doing so.